I have been doing a bit of traveling this summer (if you can call day trips and visiting my grandma 'traveling') and I came across a few stores on the East Coast that sell bento boxes.
First, I found this selection of Shinzi Katoh boxes at Yo Mamma's Home in Belfast Maine:
Next, I found these two snack-sized boxes randomly mixed in with novelty items at the Grasshopper Shop in Searsport Maine:
And lastly, I found this GIANT selection at Kinokuniya Bookstore in NYC (across from Bryant Park):
For all you Flickr users out there, I started a Flickr Charaben/Kyaraben group photo pool. I thought that it would be nice to have a place to look at and discuss everything charaben. So, even if you don't make charaben, come check out the group! (I only just started the group, so there isn't much on it yet, but keep checking back).
I hope to see you all there!