Monday, September 1, 2008

Pikachu Bento

Pikachu Bento
Originally uploaded by JB Doodles

Today's bento is Pikachu themed. He is made from a scrambled egg, with nori details. The rosy cheeks are ketchup. Underneath him is my first attempt at vegetable fried rice. It is fairly easy, but I find my version bland. I used pre-cooked Trader Joe's brown rice, scallions, asparagus, carrots, peppers, and soy sauce. This is also my first attempt at fresh spring rolls. I thinly sliced pepper, scallion, cucumber, carrot, and cabbage. I then rolled them in rice paper sheets. Under the dog divider is peanut dipping sauce. Edamame and tomatoes included as accents.

I think Pikachu came out fairly cute, but I wish I got the egg more scrambled because the white spots detract from the image.


Anonymous said...

Great job! As for the scrambled egg sheet, I believe that in order to get the pure yellow like you commonly see in character bento you'd have to separate the egg and only use the yolk :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice bento! Mine never turn out that cute unfortunately.
I think you could sprinkle some turmeric into your scrambled eggs before you cook them. Should give it a nice yellow color. Or you could remove all the annoying white bits that won't blend with the yolk, before cooking.

Jessica B. said...

Both great ideas. I think next time I will use only yolks and add turmeric. It will be super yellow!